Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Understanding the battle...

The purpose of this blog is to hopefully provide an example of how one person can (and will) constantly move from one extreme to another. The problem is we choose a side to show and a side to hide. I say this is a problem because the more we feel we have to hide, the more frustrated we become with life and the people around us.

The simple (and yet, complex) fact is stated in the foreword. Everyone has both sides. These sides conflict. And it's understandable to want to choose one side to focus on so that you don't feel like a complete nut job. The problem comes when we push the "other" side down so far that we lie to ourselves, saying the other side doesn't exist. It does. There are no exceptions. Everyone has this sense of contradiction. Everyone is a hypocrite.

Don't believe me?

Take this whole "Coexist" movement that's sweeping the nation. While I understand and agree with the heart behind the movement (which is to be respectful of other beliefs and cultures), the only way it will succeed is if its "followers" realize that sometimes coexisting means realizing there are some people you just CAN NOT get along with. There are some people that you WILL NOT agree with. Why? Because not everyone is exactly the same. (Likewise, not everyone is equal. But that's another post.)

Simply put, sometimes "coexisting" requires staying away from certain people.

"Wait, did you just say that in order to get along with everyone, we have to realize that we aren't going to get along with everyone?" Yes. "But that's a contradiction." Exactly.

The problem is in order to realize this, one would have to come to grips with the fact that that realization is a contradiction.  Unfortunately, in our culture, contradiction constitutes a loss in credibility.  Consequently, we blind ourselves from one simple truth: NO ONE is 100% consistent.  NO ONE.

Every "coexist" advocate has someone with whom he/she CAN NOT coexist.

Every accepting person has someone or something he/she DOES NOT accept.

Every tolerant person has someone he/she DO NOT tolerate.

Every forgiving person has someone he/she CAN NOT forgive.

Every "open-minded" person has something about which he/she is closed-minded.

Every pro-life lobbyist has someone he/she would love to see dead.

Every murderer understands the pain when a loved one dies.

Every follower of Christ worships the Devil.

Every follower of the Devil brings glory to God.

Every faithful person is unfaithful.

Every saint is a sinner.

Everyone who loves hates.

Everyone who hates loves.

Every good person is evil.

The door will ALWAYS swing both ways.

This blog is the result of a man who has accepted his contradictions. A man who embraces his hypocrisy.

A man who loves and cherishes his wife, but craves (and often actively seeks) physical relationships with many other women.

A man whose heart aches for the "innocent" victims of murder, but has the angry desire to end the lives of the "guilty."

A man who has a strong desire to be a blessing in people's lives, but believes people are the worst thing to ever happen to this world.

A man who will embrace Good one moment... and Evil the next.

For that is the one thing that is common of all mankind.

"As you read, remember... there is always another side..."

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